🔦 Cannabis zoning

Big decisions coming up for Stow City Council. Plus, the Stow Community Center is almost here.

Today is Dec. 12, 2024.

  • Morning, all! We’re on the down side of that temperature roller coaster we’ve been riding lately, which means today it will be partly sunny, windy and very cold, with a high of 23 degrees and a low of 17. So bundle up, because it’s going to feel like midwinter.

  • SANTA WATCH: Santa Claus is coming to … Munroe Falls! Santa’s annual ride on a fire truck through Munroe Falls is scheduled to take place from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Dec. 21, so be on the lookout so you don’t miss him!

  • CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE AT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF STOW: The Women’s Fellowship of The Community Church of Stow will hold its annual Christmas Cookie Sale from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14 at the church, located at 1567 Pilgrim Dr. in Stow. Price is $7 for a Baker’s dozen. Call 330-688-8927 for more information. Word to the wise: Shop early, because cookies sell out fast!

  • “Reader Spotlight” is a forum where you can send us your comments, concerns and suggestions on anything going on in our communities of Stow, Munroe Falls and Silver Lake. Send your email to [email protected], put “Reader Spotlight” in the subject line, and please include your name and town (recommended but not required for publication). We will publish comments as we receive them.

  • If you just subscribed or missed something in an earlier newsletter, don’t fret: Subscribers have access to every edition of The Spotlight at www.stowmunroefalls.com. Check out back issues to catch up on everything that’s going on in our communities — you never know what you might have missed!

⭐ Several stories in this issue are only available to premium subscribers: Isaly’s diner, cannabis, wetlands, sidewalk funding, new spa, Town Centre Shopping Center and more local news. Full access is just $2.99/month.

The Spotlight would like to thank the following benefactors for making our work possible: Brandon Heating and Air Conditioning


And the winner is: Licate edges McIntire in recount to capture Summit County Council seat

The automatic recount in the Summit County Council District 3 race is over, and while the final vote tally changed, the result did not: Democrat David Licate has defeated Republican Jeremy McIntire to win the open seat.

The final tally in the Summit County Board of Elections recount had Licate, a former member of Stow City Council, winning 50.19% of the vote. McIntire, who currently serves as an at-large Stow City Council member, finished with 49.81% of the vote — a differential of just .38%.

McIntire actually narrowed the margin in the recount. The original tally on election night Nov. 5 saw Licate winning by .44%, a margin that fell within the .5% threshold to trigger an automatic recount. But McIntire’s second chance also came up just short, giving Licate the victory over his former Stow City Council colleague.




A new gathering place: Grand opening for the Stow Community & Senior Center is Jan. 12

The highly anticipated grand opening of the new Stow Community & Senior Center is less than a month away. The event, featuring an open house and ribbon cutting, will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 12 at the facility’s location at 5344 Fishcreek Rd.

The grand opening, which is free and open to the public, will include:

  • Tours of the new facility

  • Light refreshments

  • Door prizes and giveaways

  • Special music

  • Nationally renowned magician Jason Alan, who has appeared on the Penn & Teller television show

The City of Stow has renovated and refurbished the former Cornerstone Community Church property into the new Stow Community & Senior Center. Modifications include a commercial kitchen, new furniture and flooring, and installation of a fireplace, among a laundry list of other improvements.

The facility will serve as a hub for seniors and the community at large, replacing the current — and much smaller — senior center at 3968 Darrow Rd.

Reader Spotlight

— From MP: “Route 91 is in very serious disrepair. It is ruining my tires and car suspension! Please do something to get the state to completely resurface [Rte. 91] in Stow and Munroe Falls. It is a terrible testament to our city! What can be done about it!” — Editor’s Note: Please refer to the Nov. 27 edition of The Spotlight for the latest update from the City of Stow on the upcoming Darrow Road Reconstruction project and Kent Road Signal project, which will start in spring 2025 and take about a year and a half to complete.

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